Palm Sunday
Get this. Christian Palm Sunday processions go back at least as far as the fourth century. A Christian pilgrim to Jerusalem at that time recorded a series of interlocking services on Palm Sunday that involved processing with palms and singing Psalm 118 from the Mount of Olives into Jerusalem, just like Jesus did three centuries before. This pilgrim, a woman, included the detail that the procession went slowly to accommodate the elderly and parents with infants. Isn't that fascinating! Somehow, knowing this will make my experience of Palm Sunday all the richer. I will be doing as my brothers and sisters in the faith did over a millennium ago.
At June 29, 2005 ,
Anonymous said...
There is great comfort in the continuity of the Church. That is one of the big things that drew me to historical Christianity, a sense of connection to people millenia ago, who continue to meet, to worship, and to pray. And this continues today around the world.
Connectedness and community across time and place. I need that, and I've found it.
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