Sometime over the past several days I had this vision of Alyssa and me engaged in creative activities in the evening. It’s so easy for us to flip on the TV and veg the night away. Now I’m not saying that's always bad, but I’d like to keep it to something like once a week. This vision of artful evenings came, I’m sure, because of having some contact with Ryan and Holly Sharp, who moved their stuff into storage and began a pilgrimmage across the
U.S. I talked to them Saturday night, and they honestly don’t know what will come of this. Ryan said the focus of Christian pilgrimages throughout history has been the journey—not the destination—so they’re focusing on the journey. Ryan’s a guitar player; check out his stuff
here. And Holly’s a visual artist. I remembered reading Ryan’s blog entry in which he said he and Holly were going to hole up in a cabin in the Smokies with some canvases and a guitar and make some art together. It was such a beautiful image that it made me wonder about Alyssa and me doing the same thing.
So, of course, the next question is, what sort of creative pursuits should we explore? Well, I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I’ve always wanted to learn the guitar. We’ll see…
At November 19, 2005 ,
Margaret Feinberg said...
I've always felt so goofy when I pull out the pen and paints... I remember being a kid and being told how important it was to color inside the lines. That never made sense to me. If they really wanted us to stay within the lines, then why did they give us a whole piece of paper?
I'm excited to see where this journey takes you... I'll have to ponder it for myself. Is watching CSI all day an artform if you don't do it very often?
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