So I have these idea bursts now and again—ok, if I’m honest, every two weeks or so.
For example, I was having lunch with a colleague who was talking about how it’s important to have good relationships in business, of course, but it’s also important to demonstrate that you’re technologically savvy, that you’re with it, that you’re up on things.
That got me thinking about how badly I’ve been wanting an iPad but don’t want to dip into our savings to buy one. So I took a few mental steps back and thought, “OK, how can I come up with $500 or so, $500 that I normally would not have?” I thought about taking on a freelance project, but honestly I’m already strapped for time.
And then the burst came. I have a triathlon-level bicycle that’s been hanging in my garage for five years. I bought it for $1200 ten years ago. Suffice to say it’ll be on ebay in a few days.
Now that’s not crazy brilliant or anything, but it’s likely to land an iPad in my hands without my having dipped into my savings account.
So lately I’ve been thinking, How can I have these bursts more often? Is it possible for them to become a daily phenomenon rather than a biweekly one?
For example, I was having lunch with a colleague who was talking about how it’s important to have good relationships in business, of course, but it’s also important to demonstrate that you’re technologically savvy, that you’re with it, that you’re up on things.
That got me thinking about how badly I’ve been wanting an iPad but don’t want to dip into our savings to buy one. So I took a few mental steps back and thought, “OK, how can I come up with $500 or so, $500 that I normally would not have?” I thought about taking on a freelance project, but honestly I’m already strapped for time.
And then the burst came. I have a triathlon-level bicycle that’s been hanging in my garage for five years. I bought it for $1200 ten years ago. Suffice to say it’ll be on ebay in a few days.
Now that’s not crazy brilliant or anything, but it’s likely to land an iPad in my hands without my having dipped into my savings account.
So lately I’ve been thinking, How can I have these bursts more often? Is it possible for them to become a daily phenomenon rather than a biweekly one?
At September 19, 2011 ,
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