Latent Possibilities

Saturday, March 03, 2012

A Place at the Table ~ Session 2

Session 2: Things Sacred and Holy

The readings this week focused on liberation from Pharaoh, exodus, faith over fear, using power for the weak, mission (“the work we were made to do”), and triumphing over self-doubt.

“You don’t have to mindlessly obey the mad impulses that master you. You are free indeed.” We don’t need to share what our “mad impulses” are, but most of us, if we’re honest, recognize that we have them. How do you think this journey can help to be free of these?

“Don’t misunderstand me: seeking power as its own reward is literally a fool’s errand. But using the considerable power every Westerner already enjoys for the sake of the poor is both righteous and life-changin—for us and for the poor.” Have you ever thought of yourself as having considerable power in the world? How can we, like Moses, use the power God has given us to help ourselves and others experience freedom from slavery?

“God used Moses to lead his people out of Egypt, and Nina Simone to lead her people out of oppression and into a better day through her music and her work in the civil rights movement. God also intends to use each of us.” Do you relate to Moses’ and Nina’s struggle with self-doubt? How can we overcome it?

Video: “Things Sacred and Holy”

What does the phrase “on earth as in heaven” mean?

Just as the veil was torn so heaven could break loose, some things need to be destroyed in our own lives so that God can dwell fully within us. What needs to be destroyed in our lives?

Where do we see heaving breaking loose on earth?

People have fought and continue to fight for a place that they believe will bring them close to God. As Christians we believe God is in us. We don’t look for God in a temple; we recognize we are his living stones that make the temple. What are the implications for how we live and interact with the world around us?

At the same time, there are places in our lives or things that we do that help us experience God as more real or in a special way. What are these places and practices for you?

Sabbath reading?


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